In September I performed a slightly cut version of my monologue ACME TEMPORARY SERVICES at the annual Pandemonium benefit at Cleveland Public Theatre. It was a hell of a good time. I'm a playwright, not an actor, and I usually read my own work rather than doing a full performance, so memorizing the monologue was a stretch for me. You wouldn't believe all the "cheat" props I had to help me get through it -- "resume" page (with script on it), "application" form (with script), "Employee Manual" (with script pages) -- you get the idea.
But I barely used them, and it went really swell. Raymond Bobgan, the A.D., told me later that he'd heard many compliments about it, and more than one person told me it was their fave piece of the night.
In September I performed a slightly cut version of my monologue ACME TEMPORARY SERVICES at the annual Pandemonium benefit at Cleveland Public Theatre. It was a hell of a good time. I'm a playwright, not an actor, and I usually read my own work rather than doing a full performance, so memorizing the monologue was a stretch for me. You wouldn't believe all the "cheat" props I had to help me get through it -- "resume" page (with script on it), "application" form (with script), "Employee Manual" (with script pages) -- you get the idea.
But I barely used them, and it went really swell. Raymond Bobgan, the A.D., told me later that he'd heard many compliments about it, and more than one person told me it was their fave piece of the night.
I wore my "prop" eyeglasses, some ancient Harlequin-style glasses on a chain I inherited from my favorite aunt. Unbelievably, her prescription was so close to mine -- including the amount of astigmatism -- I can read through them.