Linda Eisenstein: Plays, Music, & More

Sunday, June 11, 2006


One of the things I'm discovering by blogging is that more seems to happen in a week in my writing/artist life than I normally give myself credit for. When I'm in production mode (like this spring with BECOMING GEORGE) I get so thoroughly immersed that I can hardly breathe and then for some period afterwards I feel so burned out that it seems like all I can do is hit the recliner with a stack of novels & a bowl of popcorn, or go to dumb summer movies, or play computer games.

(I am getting amazingly good at one called "Goldminer" where a Forty- Niner trolls underground for gold nuggets & the occasional diamond while trying to avoid gophers, bats, and big heavy rocks. Somehow it feels like the playwriting business.)

But as I blog I recognize that lots of little things do happen in a day that relate to my work. It's like "coupon clipping", noticing the little victories or schmoozes or networking things that go on in-between the big projects. It helps keep me positive especially when I'm in the inevitable post-production letdown phase.

And now a delightful discovery, as I google-searched blogs:

Not one but 2 grrlz related so much to my monologue ZOMBIE GRRRLZ FROM THE CRYPT (published in a Heinemann collection, and more recently by angle) that they copied it into their blogs. Kewl.


  • Hey there... I saw the name and said, hey I took a playwriting class from that woman a few years ago.

    Welcome to the blogosphere! Looking forward to reading.

    By Blogger Hanna, at 6:29 AM  

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